Believers Example Church is a place for growth and development to help each person reach their ultimate destiny in God. We are here to equip and challenge each believer to run after the dream that God has placed within their heart. The Church has been given a mandate before God to fulfil His will in the earth. We are the body of Christ and called to function in whatever capacity the head (Jesus) needs us to fulfill in the earth.
Believers Example Church was founded on the principle in I Timothy 4:12, where Paul admonished Timothy to be an example or a model of who a believer should be. When we describe ourselves as believers, what does that look like? Paul said that people should be able to identify us as believers through our speech, actions, love, spiritual maturity, belief system, and purity.
We are here to help you through teaching, training and developing. Our measure of success is determined by how far you grow in God. Our greatest joy is in knowing that you have completed every phase of the plan of God for your life.
Pastor O
Lead Pastor
Onesimus Williams is the lead pastor of the Believers Example Church in Atlanta, Georgia. His passion is to see believers grow into the full stature of the knowledge of Christ and fulfill their destined assignment in God. At the age of 4, he accepted Christ as His personal Savior and, by age 5, was baptized with the Holy Spirit. Being raised in a Christian home caused him to quickly discover the call of God that was upon his life.
Onesimus graduated with a bachelor's degree in Management from Oral Roberts University and worked with the Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association. In his eagerness to grow, he later began taking professional counseling classes through Liberty University to help strengthen his understanding of how to effectively minister to a person's soul (will, mind, and emotions).
He is an ordained minister of the Gospel, an entrepreneur, consultant, and conference speaker. He believes that the Word of God has the power to transform lives in a way that transcends any other entity or force. He is the author of four books entitled "Graded F for Freedom" "Declare, Decree, Demand" "Off Limits" and "The Power of a Renewed Yes."