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I Timothy 4:12 ... be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.


To raise up mature believers that are skilled in the Word, yielded to the Holy Ghost, seasoned in prayer, developed in character, and strong in faith.


  • Open a Bible Training College for those pursuing a call of God for the 5-fold ministry office that will include an accreditation.


  • Create a Business & Leadership Development School for those called to the secular market that will include an accreditation for a certificate, associates or bachelor's degree.


  • B.E. Outreach: this outreach into the community will consist of three different arms.

    • B.E. Pantry - a food distribution program as well as a restaurant not only for those in need but members that are dealing with financial challenges.

    • B.E. Babies - a baby store that provides diapers, baby clothes, and accessories

    • B.E. Orphanage - providing a home for parent-less children (U.S. & International)


  • B.E. Family: this is a program with resources for those that are members of our congregation. 

    • B.E. Closet - a gently worn clothing store

    • B.E. Home - an temporary apartment housing for those in the middle of transition that may result from job loss or those leaving a sinful past and trying to start over afresh with God. (Men's & Women's Home)


  • B.E. Missions

    • Support local and international missions

    • Taking church trips to foreign nations to minister the Gospel.

    • Sending aid and support to those in safe houses who are rescued from sex trafficking


  • B.E. Church Association

    • Starting Church Plants and sending out pastors and members to establish the work.

    • Creating a ministerial association for pastors and ministers to be fed, encouraged, uplifted, challenged, and helped to fulfill their assignment in God.


  • B.E. Worship

    • Develop a worship school for singers, musicians, and writers to become psalmists and record the sound of heaven in the earth.


  • B.E. Salt

    • A youth complex and empowerment center which includes a worship auditorium, gaming and activities floor, and educational wing


  • Single Example

    • A community for singles to develop and grow healthy relationships through small groups, getaways, conferences, and worship sessions. 


People, Development, Honesty, Compassion, Integrity, Excellence, Unity

 developing EXAMPLES

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