Volunteer Support
Developing a church is a significant undertaking as everything is new. We at Believers Example Church need your assistance in building our volunteer base. If you have or know of any resources that would be a blessing to us, please let us know.
There is a section located to the right where you can fill in your information if you can assist us.
3 Ways to Assist Believers Example Church
Prayer is the life line to any Kingdom assignment. We are not coming together to be pew warmers; we are an "ecclesia" (a called assembly) to fulfill whatever the Father needs done in the earth. It is through prayer that secrets and roadmaps are uncovered. We as the Church carry the answer to every national, state and local problem. Believers Example has been summoned to release and activate Heaven in metropolitan Atlanta, and we will do it through prayer. Click here for prayer points.
Giving is an act of love and commitment. You are not just giving money; you are partnering with us to reach more people for Jesus. Paul said in Philippians 4:15-19, that their gifts were a pleasing sacrifice to God, and because of their generosity God would make available (supply) whatever they had need of according to the abundance of His treasury. Click here to give and be a part our mission to reach more people for Jesus.
Serving is an essential key to the success of a local church. The church is made up of many members bringing their supply of the spirit and gifts to help accomplish the work of the Kingdom.